Difference between Spider and Tarantula

Spider vs. Tarantula

What is Difference between Spider and Tarantula? Spiders and tarantulas are among the most feared animals around the world. They can be found in the most diverse places and although there are those who love having them as pets, the fact is that in general people consider them ugly, dangerous and even evil.

Although these animals share certain qualities and are similar in some respects, there are some characteristics that make them different; that is, tarantulas and spiders are not exactly the same thing.

Difference between Spider and Tarantula

If you have doubts about it or want a little more information, continue reading, because then we explain to you what is the difference between spiders and tarantulas.


The spiders belong to the order Aranae and Arachnida class among the group of arthropods. There are more than 40,000 species of spiders in the world. The body of the same is divided in two parts, one that includes the head and the thorax and the other that is constituted by the abdomen.

Some spiders are hairy and some not, but one of the characteristics that has always differentiated them from tarantulas is the silk or spider web with which they make nets to catch their prey; although some cases of tarantulas capable of producing silk from their feet have been mentioned. All spiders are predatory and usually solitary. The patterns and shapes of their nets vary depending on the species.

These animals can live up to 2 years.


There are about 900 species of tarantulas. The venom of these animals is much weaker than people think, and many small spiders have it more potent. Female tarantulas can put up to 1000 eggs at a time and some can literally eat their male partner once the sexual act is over.

Tarantulas can live without food for a month and unlike spiders do not use nets to hunt their prey. They are passive predators waiting for the prey to approach to catch them. Also, tarantulas are larger than spiders and so far none has been known to be herbivorous (in the case of spiders, there are a few specimens). They can live up to 25 years and unlike spiders do not sting, they bite.
