Difference Between Stem and Trunk

Stem vs Trunk

Both “stem” and “trunk” exists in the natural world. They are both parts of the organism called plants.

Stems are usually one of the structural axes in a plant’s composition. Their two main roles are to support the buds, fruits, or leaves of the plant and to provide a pathway to these parts for the nutrition (which includes the water, minerals, and sugars that the plant receives. In some species of plants, the stems are attached to the trunk (also called the stem of the plant) which supports the auxiliary stems. The stems bring the leaves to the light in order to make photosynthesis possible and produce food for the plant.

Stems are an indispensable part of the plants. It has three main parts: the xylem, phloem, and the cambium. The xylem cells carry the water from the roots while the phloem cells carry the food made from the photosynthesis. If a plant has no trunk, the stem automatically links the roots to the leaves and the other parts of the plant.

Aside from their duties in a plant’s process, stems are also a useful tool in doing asexual reproduction in plants. The stems are grafted and cut in order to produce another plant of the same breed or to breed with other species of plant. The stems can also be used for storage and protection. There are various types of stems ranging from woody trunks, shoots, branches, cane, or succulent stems. Stems can also be found either above ground or below ground.

The trunk, on the other hand, is also a part of a plant but mostly confined to trees. It is also known as “bole” and is the tree’s main support structure. It carries the whole tree canopy while also acting as the tree’s main passageway for sustenance. It is directly attached to the tree’s roots while the tree branches are attached to the trunk in return.
The trunk is also characterized as the tree’s main stem since the branches of the trees also are also classified as stems.

Unlike stems in other varieties of plants, trunks are covered with bark and contain the “rings” inside which depict the age of the tree when it is cut. The trunk also doesn’t have leaves directly attached to it.

The trunk is very useful as lumber for a variety of uses. It is usually the lumber which is used for materials in wood furniture and house structures. Its uses also include paper production and material in construction work and wood decorative pieces.


1.All plants have stems as a part of the organism’s structure. Stems come in many varieties which also include the trunks of trees. A trunk is also a stem and functions as the primary stem of a tree.
2.Stems and trunks have a similar purpose – to give support to the other parts of the plant. For plants that are not classified as trees, the stems serve to hold the leaves and flowers. Meanwhile, the tree also has the same functions in carrying the whole tree canopy which includes the tree’s branches and the leaves.
3.Another shared responsibility of stems and trunks is acting as a passageway for the plant’s nourishment. It also serves as a link for the plant to its roots.
4.Stems have a variety of types while a trunk is only one of those mentioned types.
5.Stems are directly attached to the leaves and don’t have surrounding bark. Meanwhile, the trunk isn’t directly connected to the leaves and has a coat of bark. The trunk also features the tree “rings” which are often the indicators of the tree’s age and growth in its lifetime.
6.A trunk is usually above the ground while stems are more flexible – they grow and live above or beneath the ground.
