Difference Between Subject and Object

Subject vs Object

Subject and Object are two words used in English language that show some difference between them when it comes to their usage. Both of them differ in their definitions. Also, especially in English grammar, subject and object have an important role to play. As we all know, a sentence is made of basically a subject, verb and an object. If a person cannot differentiate a subject and object then it is very hard to grasp the construction of sentences. However, the key to identifying a subject from an object and an object from a subject is based mainly on the verb. This idea, you will better understand once you read this article.

What is a Subject?

If you put the question ‘who’ or ‘what’ before a verb and get a proper reply then the reply is termed as the subject. Look at the sentence given below.

Francis ate a mango.

Ask yourself the question ‘Who ate a mango?’ You get the answer as ‘Francis’. Therefore, Francis is the subject of the sentence given above. In other words, subject does the action. The action is represented by a verb. In the sentence mentioned above, Francis is the person who does the action. The action is represented by the verb ‘to eat’ of ‘ate’ in this sentence.

Subject in a sentence is represented by the nominative case. The subject of a sentence in active voice becomes the object in passive voice as in the sentences ‘Shah built the Palace’ and ‘The Palace was built by Shah’.

Difference Between Subject and Object

What is an Object?

On the other hand, if you put the question ‘who’ or ‘what’ after a verb and get a proper reply, then the reply is termed as the object. Look at the same sentence ‘Francis ate a mango’. Now, you ask yourself the question ‘Francis ate what?’ You get the answer as ‘a mango’. Therefore, mango is the object of this sentence. Object is the center of action. The action is represented by a verb. The action is represented by the verb ‘to eat’ of ‘ate’ in the sentence we analysed. Mango is the center of the action.

While the subject is represented by the nominative case, the object in a sentence is represented by the accusative case. It is interesting to note that object is of two kinds, namely, direct object and indirect object. Indirect objects are usually represented by intransitive verbs whereas direct objects are represented by transitive verbs.

What is the difference between Subject and Object?

• If you put the question ‘who’ or ‘what’ before a verb and get a proper reply then the reply is termed as the subject.

• On the other hand, if you put the question ‘who’ or ‘what’ after a verb and get a proper reply, then the reply is termed as the object. These are the methods to identify a subject and an object in a sentence.

• Subject does the action. Object is the center of action.

• Subject in a sentence is represented by the nominative case, whereas the object in a sentence is represented by the accusative case.

• The subject of an active voice sentence becomes the object of the passive voice sentence.

These are the differences between subject and object.
