Difference Between Think Of and Think About

Think of vs Think About

Think of and Think about are two expressions that are often used in the same sense since there is not much of a difference between think of and think about. Both expressions, think of and think about, are created by adding prepositions of and about to the end of the verb think. Therefore, before understanding the expressions think of and think about we should first know some details about the word think. Now, the word think is used as a verb as well as a noun. The origin of the word think lies in the Old English word thencan. Moreover, there are a number of phrases in English language that use the word think such as think again, think aloud, think big, etc.

What does Think Of mean?

Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. Look at the sentences given below.

I think of my car when I watch the races.

He thinks of his award whenever he sees another getting one.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think of is made to express the sense of remembrance. In the first sentence, the person remembered his own car when he watched the races. Alternatively, we could say the person calls the image of his car into his mind when he watches races. In the second sentence , the person remembered the award given to him whenever he saw another person getting a similar award.

Moreover, the expression think of lasts less time when you consider the duration of thought. In the examples, the first speaker does not keep on thinking about his car. Rather his car comes to his mind, and that thought goes away in a short time.

Difference Between Think Of and Think About

What does Think About mean?

The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling’ as in the sentences,

I think about my sister whenever I see her.

He thinks about his home when he is away from it.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think about suggests the idea of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling. In the first sentence, the person’s interest on her sister due to affection for her is suggested. In the second sentence, the person’s interest on his home is suggested by the usage of the expression think about.

When considering the duration of the thought it should be said that the expression though about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one. That means the thought that came to mind stays there for a while. You do not just remember you sister and forget her. Rather you keep on thinking about her for some time.

What is the difference between Think Of and Think About?

• Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling.’ This is primarily the difference between the two expressions, namely, think of and think about.

• The expression think of is more momentary than think about in terms of duration of thought. In other words, the expression think about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one whereas the expression think of suggests that the thought is a short one. This is also an important difference between the two expressions think of and think about.
