Difference Between Tm and Registered Trademark

More than often, we see the use of Tm and registered trademarks in advertisements and apps. It is normal to be confused if there are any differences at all between these two different terms. But it is necessary to know that there are differences between a Tm and a registered trademark. 

Tm vs Registered Trademark

The main difference between Tm and Registered Trademark is that when the symbol Tm is used, it refers to an unregistered trademark and, the latter is a registered trademark. In the most basic sense, these are the fundamental difference between the symbol Tm and registered trademark. One can use the Tm symbol when they have applied for a registered trademark.

The word Tm is used to denote the applied registration of a symbol, product, phrase, or logo. The Tm is a symbol that is used widely in our world today. Once this symbol is used, it can act as an identifier for the source of the product or service. A lot of companies also use this symbol for their goods and services.

The word registered trademark is used to denote the official registration of a symbol, product, phrase, or logo. The registered trademark is a symbol that is used widely in our world today. Once this symbol is used, it can act as an identifier for the source of the product or service. It is symbolized by an R.

Comparison Table Between Tm and Registered Trademark

Parameters of ComparisonTmRegistered Trademark
MeaningTm is the applied registration for a symbol, product, phrase, or logo.It is official registration for a symbol, product, phrase, or logo.
SymbolTM is the symbol.R is the symbol.
ProcessIt is used after application.It is used after registering officially.
Legally bindingThis symbol is not legally restrictive.It is legally binding and protected under the law.
UsesIt is commonly used to denote brands.It is commonly used for products and services.

What is Tm?

The word ‘Tm’ can be quite confusing for a lot of readers. People who are not familiar with the business terms might struggle to understand the difference between terms like Tm and registered trademark. The symbols Tm and R are widely believed to refer to the same meaning. But there are fundamental differences between a Tm and a registered trademark. Tm is more suited for a brand.

To put it in simple terms, the word Tm is used to imply that an application has been submitted to claim ownership or rights over a brand, symbol, logo, or phrase. It is the applied registration for these different types. The symbol of Tm is the same word Tm. 

It is common for people to notice the figure TM that is mentioned in a small font on the top right of a particular brand, product, or logo. The meaning of the word TM means trademark. So, it is to imply that the logo or brand belongs to them and no one can use it or copyright it. 

Tm is used to imply that they have applied for a registered trademark symbol, and, until then, they will continue to use the TM symbol. It is not legally binding as it has not been officially announced to be the symbol.

What is Registered Trademark?

The word Registered trademark can be pretty confusing for a lot of readers. People who are not familiar with the business terms might struggle to understand the difference between terms like Tm and registered trademark. The symbols Tm and R are widely believed to refer to the same meaning. But there are fundamental differences between a Tm and a registered trademark. A registered trademark is more suited for a product or service.

To put it in simple terms, the word registered trademark is used to imply that the application for registration has been approved. So, with a registered trademark, one can claim complete authority, ownership, and copyrights over a particular logo, brand, product, or service. The symbol of the registered trademark is R.

It is common for people to notice the symbol R mentioned in small font on the top right corner of a particular brand, product, or logo. The meaning of the letter R means a trademark that is registered officially. 

So, it is to imply that the logo or brand belongs to them and no one can use it or copyright it. If anyone uses the logo, brand, or name without permission, the owner of that can sue them. The registered trademarks are legally binding, unlike the TM symbols.

Main Differences Between Tm and Registered Trademark

  • Tm is used to denote the applied registration for a symbol, product, phrase, or logo. Meanwhile, Registered Trademark is used to denote the official registration for a symbol, product, phrase, or logo.
  • The figure of the Tm is TM. The figure of the Registered trademark is R.
  • Tm is used after applying for the registration. The registered trademark is used after it is official.
  • The TM symbol is not legally binding, as it is just sent for application. The registered trademark symbol is legally binding, as a person is the official owner of it.
  • The TM symbol is frequently used to denote brands. The registered trademark is used to denote the products and services of a brand. 
  • Conclusion

    These are the underlying differences between the terms Tm and registered trademark. It is common for people to notice the symbols R and TM mentioned in small letters on the top right corner of a particular brand, product, or logo. It is purely to imply that they have complete ownership of that name, brand, logo, etc.

    The fundamental difference between the TM and Registered trademark symbol is that the word Tm denotes the applied registration of a symbol, product, phrase, or logo. Though it has not been approved, Tm can be used. The word registered trademark denotes the official registration of a symbol, product, phrase, or logo.


  • https://doi.org/10.1177%2F002224298605000106
  • https://doi.org/10.1086/467138
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmrJ1irq%2BwjKucoKGjqbKzscNmq6uZlJq6or7KaA%3D%3D