Difference Between Training and Learning

Training vs Learning

Training and learning are concepts that are closely related to one another. They are often misunderstood to be the same thing, and some mistakenly use these terms interchangeably. While learning and training both result in an individual acquiring knowledge and skills, the manner in which knowledge and skills are gained are quite distinct. Training may involve having a structured training program with required outcomes, whereas learning does not have such restrictions. The article that follows offers a comprehensive explanation on each term and shows the similarities and differences between the two.


Training is where an individual will be molded into a desired state. When an individual is being trained, the outcome that is desired from the individual will be set first hand. Once this has been done the training program will be catered to meet these specific needs. Corporations usually have training programs to teach workers how things are done within an organization and to maintain a sense of uniformity. This may be advantageous in jobs that require very specific procedures; however, on the other hand, training is seen to be quite restrictive. Training may result in the individual knowing only what is required and expected of him, but may not help him think out of the box. This may limit the person’s creativity, and ability to create better processes and procedures.


Learning is the process of a person being actively involved in some activity where the individual is inspired to acquire the skills and knowledge through doing things themselves. Experience of doing things greatly influence a person’s learning as there are a number of things that are learnt through experience which cannot be taught in any other way. Learning is related to the concepts of thinking, understanding, exploring, experimenting, creativity, curiosity, education, development and growth. When an individual learns how things are done, they don’t just acquire knowledge and skills, but they also find new ways that things can be done by using their own personal creativity and understanding.

Training vs Learning

Corporations, universities and other institutions of knowledge sharing stress the importance of learning over training. This is because training is quite restrictive in nature and the individual will only be trained according to what the corporation or university or any other institution perceives to be the outcome that should be reached. Learning can be beneficial in many ways as it helps an individual understand, experiment and experience things which can be more effective when dealing with problems and issues. Training can, however, be quite useful when a company needs to teach their employees a structured procedure or process. However, including a learning component in the training may result in much better performance outcomes.


What is the difference between Training and Learning?

• Training and learning are concepts that are closely related to one another. They are often misunderstood to be the same thing, and some mistakenly use these terms interchangeably.

• Learning is the process of a person being actively involved in some activity where the individual is inspired to acquire the skills and knowledge through doing things themselves.

• Training is where an individual will be molded into a desired state. When an individual is being trained, the outcome that is desired from the individual will be set first hand. Once this has been done the training program will be catered to meet these specific needs.
