Difference Between Type A and Type B Personality (with Comparison Chart)

Type a and type b personalityBased on personality, people can be bifurcated into two categories i.e. Type A personality and Type B personality. It is the most common individual-level stressor and explains two different types of personality. These are known to influence the possibility of an individual’s acquiring health-related problems like heart ailments. Type A people are highly competitive, self-critical. They continuously strive for goals without paying much attention to efforts and accomplishments.

On the other extreme, Type B individuals are usually more tolerant, relaxed, reflective than Type A. So, if you are concerned about which personality type you carry, take a glance at the article excerpt and identify yourself. It may also help to understand the difference between the two.

Content: Type A Personality Vs Type B Personality

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Concept
  • Video
  • Conclusion
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonType A PersonalityType B Personality
    MeaningType A personality is one which is stress prone, in a hurry, impatient and fast in whatever they do.Type B personality is one which is less stress prone patient, relaxed and easy going.
    NatureSensitive and proactiveReflective and innovative
    Patience levelLowHigh
    MultitaskingDoes several things at a time.Does one thing at a time.
    Stress levelHighLow
    Time constraintsEncounters pressure because of time constraintsIs not affected by time constraints.

    Definition of Type A Personality

    Type A personality implies a temperament which is stress-prone, concerned with time management. They are ambitious, rigidly organised, hard-working, anxious, highly status-conscious, hostile and aggressive. Individuals who possess Type A personality have the following behavioural patterns:

    • They move, walk and eat fast.
    • Great at multitasking.
    • Self-driven feels guilty when relaxing.
    • Feels impatient with the pace of things, dislikes waiting.
    • They have a busy schedule and does not have time to enjoy life.
    • Uses nervous gestures, like a clenched fist or banging hand on the table.
    • They are high-achievers, perform beyond par.
    • They do not easily accept failure.

    Definition of Type B Personality

    Type B personality is one that is less prone to stress, easy going, work steadily, enjoy achievement, modest ambition, and live in the moment. They are social, creative, thoughtful, procrastinating. Individuals who possess a Type B personality are associated with the following behavioural traits:

    • They are not concerned about time.
    • They compete for fun, not to win.
    • Mild-mannered.
    • Never in a hurry and has no pressing deadlines.
    • Does not brag.
    • Focus on quality rather than quantity.
    • Laidback and live a stress-less life.

    Key Differences Between Type A and Type B Personality

    The fundamental differences between Type A and Type B personality are given as under:

  • Type A personality is one which is stress-prone, in a hurry, impatient and fast in whatever they do. Type B personality is one which is less stress-prone patient, relaxed, easy-going and lacks time-urgency.
  • Type A individuals tend to be sensitive and proactive. On the other hand, type B individuals tend to be reflective and creative in nature.
  • Type A individuals are impatient while Type B people are just the opposite of it.
  • When it comes to temperament, type A personality is short-tempered, whereas type B personality is even-tempered.
  • Type A individuals are highly competitive. In contrast, Type B individuals focus more on enjoying the game rather than winning and losing.
  • The person who possesses a type A personality can do several things at a time. Unlike, type B personality individuals who can do one thing at a time.
  • The stress level of type A individuals is typically higher than type B individuals.
  • Time constraints strongly affect type A individuals as they are pressurised by it. As opposed to type B individuals who are not affected by it.
  • Concept

    The concept of Type A and Type B Personality was coined by two American Cardiologist Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman, in the year 1976. In their study, they discovered that people with Type A personality are likely to suffer coronary artery disease in their later life.

    Further, in 2012, the American Journal of Public Health published a paper by Mark Pattricrew and others of the UK that the previous study was funded by Tobacco companies and the personality types have nothing to do with heart diseases.

    Video: Type A Vs Type B Personality


    So, with the above discussion, you might have identified, as to which personality type is yours. If you belong to type A personality, you need to be more cautious as they are more prone to heart diseases as compared to type B individuals. These two personality types are diametrically opposite of each other wherein one dislike failure and work hard to avoid it, while one is not even affected by it.
