Difference Between Verb and Action Verb

Verb vs Action Verb

The difference between ordinary verb and action verb is an important topic in English grammar. This is because the main verbs can be divided into two groups as ordinary verbs and actions verbs. Therefore, we can also say verb and action verb are two terms in English grammar that show difference between them when it comes to their application. A verb is a word that tells something about a person or thing. A verb can tell us what a person or thing does, what is done to a person or thing and what a person or thing is. Action verb indicates what we do, take and make. On the other hand, a verb is the umbrella term to which action verb also belongs.

What is a Verb?

A verb can tell us what a person or thing does, what is done to a person or thing and what a person or thing is. Other than action verbs, there are other types of verbs too. All of these fall under the general term verb. Observe these sentences given below.

He needed two glasses of water.

Francis recognized her from a distance.

In both of the sentences, you can see that the verbs used, namely, ‘need’ and ‘recognize’ are ordinary verbs or otherwise called as stative verbs. They are not action verbs for that matter. Stative verbs are the verbs that refer to the way things are, their appearance, etc. In English, there are a number of ordinary verbs or stative verbs. Some of them are know, cost, belong, believe, get, taste, think and the like.

It is important to know that verbs fall under four different categories and they are verbs showing thought or opinion, verbs showing possession, verbs showing senses and verbs showing emotion.

Difference Between Verb and Action Verb

What is an Action Verb?

An action verb indicates what a person or thing does. It indicates what we do, take and make. Observe the two sentences given below.

Francis studies his lessons with his friend Angela.

Angela does not come to school these days.

In both the sentences, you can see that the verbs, ‘studies’ and ‘come’ are action verbs, since they indicate actions.

It is important to know that all kinds of tenses are possible in the case of both verbs and action verbs. In other words, it can be said that present tense, past tense and future tense are possible in the case of both verbs and action verbs. The past participle forms of action verbs can also be formed just like the past participle forms of ordinary or stative verbs.

What is the difference between Verb and Action Verb?

• Action verb indicates what we do, take and make.

• On the other hand, a verb is the umbrella term to which action verb also belongs.

• Stative verb or ordinary verb is another category of verbs other than action verbs. Stative verbs are the verbs that refer to the way things are, their appearance, etc.

• All kinds of tenses are possible in the case of both verbs and action verbs.

• The past participle forms of action verbs can also be formed just like the past participle forms of ordinary or stative verbs.

The difference between verb and action verb may be very minute, but it is important for the English student to understand the difference between them.
