Difference Between VHS and DVD

vhs-dvdVHS vs DVD

The Video Home System, which is commonly known as VHS, is a method of storing video files for playback. DVDs (Digital Versatile Discs) also serve the same purpose but in an entirely different way. At the physical level, we can immediately see that DVDs are a lot smaller compared to VHS tapes. DVDs also lack moving parts that makes it more reliable than VHS tapes. The tape can easily get tangled or break which happens pretty often. On the technical aspect, VHS stores the video and audio information in an analog format while DVDs use the digital format. This means that the video from DVDs can be reproduced more accurately than with VHS tapes which are quite prone to distortion.

To the user, there is one minor but much appreciated feature, random access. VHS tapes needs to be rewound every time you finish viewing it. If you want to skip certain sections, you would also need to wind the tape forward. With DVDs, you can simply jump to wherever you want in an instant. It made viewing DVDs a lot more convenient as every time you pick up a DVD, you are sure that you can play it right away without having to wait as it is rewound in a rewinder.

The magnetic nature of the tape also leads to certain problems that makes VHS tapes inappropriate for storing any information for extended periods of time. This is because the magnetic charge slowly degrades over time without any intervention. DVDs can last a lot longer than VHS tapes because the data is actually stored in a physical layer of the disc.

Today, DVD is the most dominant video medium in use. It has superseded VHS and CD in this function. VHS production and sales has been dwindling for a very long time and has recently been halted altogether.

1.VHS tapes are big and prone to damage while DVDs are pretty slim and reliable
2.VHS uses a magnetic tape to store video and audio data while DVD uses an optical media
3.VHS tapes needs to be rewound or forwarded in order to go to certain sections while DVDs can go to any section instantly
4.VHS tends to lose information pretty quickly because of the analog nature while DVDs can store information for a very long time when stored properly
5.VHS has been rendered obsolete and is no longer being sold or produced while DVDs are still the dominant video media
