Difference between Virtual and Abstract Method

Key Difference: Abstract methods are the methods that are declared but do not have any implementation. Virtual methods are used for an implementation of the type-based polymorphism. The derived class has the flexibility of re-implementing the virtual method of the base class by using the keyword ‘override’.

In C#, the abstract keyword can be used with both classes and methods. Abstract methods are those methods which lack any form of implementation. However, the implementation logic is obtained by the non-abstract classes derived from them. This is achieved by overriding that method. Due to the absence of actual implementation, the body of the method remains empty. It is important to note that the declaration of an abstract method is only possible in an abstract class. The classes that cannot be initialized are known as abstract classes. A class that inherits from an abstract class must implement all the methods declared as abstract in the abstract class.

For example -

   public abstract class exampleAbstractClass


        public abstract void exampleabstractMethod();

        public virtual void nonAbstractMethod()


            Console.WriteLine("Implementation is defined in the method");


class normalNonAbstractClass : exampleAbstractClass


        public override void exampleabstractMethod ()


            Console.WriteLine("Overriding the exampleabstractMethod of the  class exampleAbstractClass ");



Virtual is also a keyword that is associated with the modification of a method, property, indexer or event declaration. The use of this keyword allows the modification of the declared entity in a derived class. In this example, the derived class has overridden the virtual method declared in the base class.

class Base


    public virtual void Test()





class Derived : Base


    public override void Test()





Virtual methods are used for an implementation of the type-based polymorphism. The derived class has the flexibility of re-implementing the virtual method of the base class by using the override keyword. Both virtual and abstract cannot be used along with static or virtual or override modifiers.

Comparison between Virtual and Abstract Method:


Virtual Method

Abstract Method


Virtual methods are used for an implementation of the type-based polymorphism.

Abstract methods are the methods that are declared but do not have any implementation. 


Yes, can have implementation

No, cannot have any implementation

Need to be overridden

Not compulsory


Keyword used to distinguish it from other types of methods




Class containing virtual method can be instantiated.

Class containing abstract method cannot be instantiated. It can only be inherited.


Virtual method's scope to members only.

Abstract method's scope to members and classes.

Method to be executed (object-base class type)

Parent implementation will be called only in the case where no implementation is provided in the concrete class.

Concrete implementation

Method to be executed (object-concrete class type)

Concrete implementation

Concrete implementation
