Difference Between VMware Player and Workstation

VMware Player and Workstation are the two related software of VMware. VMware is software that is designed in such a way that it allows to run several businesses only on a single server. It allows various applications or links to run in a single go. Therefore, it is the best software for management purposes. For the first time, it was launched in the year 1998. And it’s headquarter is situated in Palo Alto, California, United States. There is a total of five founders of VMware and their names are Diane Greene, Scott Devine, Edouward Bugnion, Mendel Rosenblum, and Edward Wang. Even though VMware Player and VMware Workstation are related services of VMware but at the same time there are differences between them.

VMware Player vs VMware Workstation

The main difference between VMware Player and VMware Workstation is that they are distinctly different in their respective usage. The VMware Player helps to run the virtual machines that are used to run the software. And on the other hand, the VMware Workstation looks after the virtual machines that are used for works related to the formation and administration. Also, VMware Player is a bit slower and not as powerful as the VMware Workstation. The Workstation has a more advanced and unique feature that is adored by the technological industries.

VMware Player is the supporting system of VMWARE Workstation, which helps it to run the virtual machines smoothly without any disturbance. Also, it is free of cost, and hence no money is charged for its usage. It does a lot of activities as almost similar to the Workstation, except it is not at all related to the creation of anything. VMware Player is unable to create things such as snapshots and clones.

On the other hand, VMware Workstation is the software that is associated with the creation and administration of the application. The VMware Workstation charges some amount of money for its usage. Therefore, it is not free. It is associated with many activities related to virtual machines. Also, VMware Workstation is allowed and can create things such as snapshots and clones.

Comparison Table Between VMware Player and VMware Workstation

Parameters of ComparisonVMware PlayerVMware Workstation
DefinitionThe software that helps and supports the VMware Workstation for the smooth running of the related Visual Machines is known as VMware Player.The software that looks after the creation of things and administration of those kinds of stuff in a Visual Machine is known as VMware Workstation.
ChargesVMware Player is free of cost and does not charge a single penny for its usage.VMware Workstation charges some amount of money for its usage.
UsageVMware Player is used for running the related things of a Virtual Machine.VMware Workstation is used for developing and administrating the things produced by the Visual Machine.
Stable ReleaseThe VMware Player was Stablely released 12 months back, that is on 14th September 2020.The VMware Workstation was Stablely released 4 months back, that is on 18th May 2021.
LicenseFreemium is the license of VMware Player.Freeware is the license of VMware Workstation.
Powerful FeaturesVMware Player slightly lacks the aspect of powerful features.VMware Workstation is loaded with powerful features.
AdvancementVMware Player is comparatively less advanced in technological characteristics.VMware Workstation is very much advanced in technological characteristics.
Physical DisksVMware Player does not support physical disks. It only supports virtual disks.VMware Workstation does support Physical disks.
Snapshot and ClonesVMware Player is unable to produce any kind of snapshots and clones.VMware Workstation is enabled to produce snapshots and clones.
Management SkillsVMware Player comparatively lacks behind in the management skills.VMware Workstation has good management skills.

What is VMware Player?

VMware Player is a widely used software that is associated with VMware to function its features smoothly of a Visual Machine. It generally processes the functions of the Visual Machine without disturbing the other factors. For the first time, its stable release took place 12 months ago and is dated 14 September 2020. Its main job is only to look after the Visual Machine. The Visual Machine is the sole factor of the usage of VMware Player.

The main benefit of the usage of the VMware Player is that it does not charge any amount of money for its usage. Therefore, it is free of cost. Since it does not require to be paid any kind of fee charges, hence it is widely used as it is affordable. Also, Freemium is the license of VMware Player. As we know there are some advantages of VMware Player, but at the same time, there are some disadvantages as well. Even though VMware Player is widely used by many people but its drawbacks include aspects such as it is not as powerful as the other VMware-related software/application. It is only associated with the basic elements. Also, one more drawback of VMware Player is that it is less advanced.

VMware Player does not support physical disks. It only supports virtual disks. Also, VMware Player is not allowed or capable to produce snapshots and clones. It is therefore used only for processing the Visual Machine. At last but not least, it also lacks in its management skills. Therefore, its management skills are not loved by its users.

What is VMware Workstation?

VMware has created many sub-products for its easy and smooth functioning. Therefore, VMware Workstation is one of them. The VMware Workstation refers to the software that manages the Visual Machine by looking after its creation-related things and its administrations. It is one of the sole software of VMware, as it does the main job of its respective application. The VMware Workstation has great management skills and therefore it is more preferred by its users.

The VMware Workstation was launched a few months back, that is on 18th May 2021. Its stable release was just introduced 4 months ago. Also, the VMware Workstation charges some amount of money for its usage by its users. It can not be used for free. And its main job is to create and administer those creations which are related to the Visual Machine. Freeware is the license of VMware Workstation.

There are many advantages of the usage of VMware Workstation. Its advantages include things such as it is overloaded with powerful features. Its users love the powerful feature as it saves a lot of time. Therefore, it is very advanced in its skills. The VMware Workstation user can easily use a physical disk, as it does support it. And also, it allows itself to produce snapshots and clones.

Main Differences Between VMware Player and VMware Workstation

  • The software that helps and supports the VMware Workstation for the smooth running of the related Visual Machines is known as VMware Player. On the other hand, The software that looks after the creation things and administration of those stuffs in a Visual Machine is known as VMware Workstation.
  • VMware Player is free of cost and does not charge a single penny for its usage. On the other hand, VMware Workstation charges some amount of money for its usage.
  • VMware Player is used for running the related things of a Virtual Machine. On the other hand, VMware Workstation is used for developing and administrating the things produced by the Visual Machine.
  • The VMware Player was Stablely released 12 months back, that is on 14th September 2020. On the other hand, The VMware Workstation was Stablely released 4 months back, that is on 18th May 2021.
  • Freemium is the license of VMware Player. On the other hand, Freeware is the license of VMware Workstation.
  • VMware Player slightly lacks the aspect of powerful features. On the other hand, VMware Workstation is loaded with powerful features.
  • VMware Player is comparatively less advanced in technological characteristics. On the other hand, VMware Workstation is very much advanced in the technological characteristics.
  • VMware Player does not support physical disks. It only supports virtual disks. On the other hand, VMware Workstation does support Physical disks.
  • VMware Player is unable to produce any kind of snapshots and clones. On the other hand, VMware Workstation is enabled to produce snapshots and clones.
  • VMware Player comparatively lacks behind in the management skills. On the other hand, VMware Workstation has good management skills.
  • Conclusion

    VMware Player and VMware Workstation are the two types of software related to the VMware application. VMware Player and VMware Workstation are the two most important software systems that enable their users to browse on a server smoothly. There are many differences between both the software. Where the VMware Player is the supporting system that helps to run the visual machine and on the other hand, the VMware Workstation is the sole creator and the one who looks after the administration-related things. Both, the software together forms a smooth running of VMware. Also, there are other differences such as its charges, stable release dates, features, advancements, etc.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=E_CMs8iSt3UC&oi=fnd&pg=PA65&dq=vmware+player+vs+workstation&ots=jxW0eZDE1Y&sig=_VbB6oNCFvDwQHpzaVsa1IyPWnQ
  • https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2382553.2382554
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmrp2srrOxjKmjmrGVp3qiusNmrqiqm6jBosDIqKVmr5mptW7AwJujnmc%3D