Difference Between Whole Wheat Flour and Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

A variety of flour is available, so it is hard to choose a particular flour. However, all flour has its purpose. To pick a specific flour, make sure to check which fits the preference. One of the traditional flour in households is whole wheat flour, and one of the traditional flour in bakeries is whole wheat pastry flour. Moreover, whole wheat pastry flour is originally made from whole wheat flour. The grounding of wheat ultimately results in differences in the texture and attributes of flour as whole wheat flour is generally medium or coarse granulated. Meanwhile, whole wheat pastry flour is finely granulated. 

Whole Wheat Flour vs Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

The main difference between Whole Wheat Flour and Whole Wheat Pastry Flour is that whole wheat flour has medium or coarse granulation, while whole wheat pastry flour has finer granulation. Secondly, Whole wheat flour has less starch content than whole wheat pastry. Thirdly, Whole wheat flour has a rougher texture, while whole wheat pastry flour has a softer texture. Fourthly, Whole wheat flour doesn’t absorb water quickly. Meanwhile, whole wheat absorbs water quickly. Lastly, Whole wheat flour is much more nutritious than whole wheat pastry flour. 

Whole wheat flour is comprised of all parts of the wheat berry, such as germ, bran, and endosperm. Thus, it contains high fiber, protein, and fiber content. Therefore, it is much more nutritious than all-purpose flour and white flour. However, wheat is grounded as fine, medium, or coarse granulation. But, whole wheat flour is usually medium or coarse granulated. As for the texture, it has a much rougher composition and makes food nuttier or grainier. Additionally, it doesn’t absorb water quicker and has less starch content. 

Whole wheat pastry flour is composed of finely grounded whole wheat flour with some bran and germ. Thus, it contains high fiber, protein, and fiber content in lesser than whole wheat flour. Therefore, it is less nutritious than whole wheat flour. As for the texture, it has a much softer texture and makes food lighter. Additionally, it absorbs water quickly and has high starch content. 

Comparison Table Between Whole Wheat Flour and Whole Wheat Pastry flour 

Parameters of comparison Whole Wheat FlourWhole Wheat Pastry flour 
Granulation Whole wheat flour has medium or coarse granulation.Whole wheat pastry flour has finer granulation. 
Starch content Whole wheat flour has less starch content.Whole wheat pastry flour has more starch content.
TextureWhole wheat flour has a rougher texture.Whole wheat pastry flour has a softer texture.
Water absorption Whole wheat flour doesn’t absorb water quickly. Whole wheat pastry flour absorbs water quickly. 
NutritiousWhole wheat flour is much more nutritious.whole wheat pastry flour has less nutritional value.

What is Whole Wheat Flour? 

Varieties of flour are available in the grocery store. One of them is whole wheat flour that is composed of all parts of the wheat berry, such as germ, bran, and endosperm. 

Every flour has its uses, nutritional value,  texture, and characteristics. Therefore, whole wheat flour is different from whole wheat pastry flour. 

Whole wheat flour contains all the parts of the kernel, such as germ, bran, and endosperm. Along with this composition, it has high fiber protein, vitamins, and nutrients than any regular flour. So, Whole wheat flour is a much healthier option than any other wheat flour. 

It differs only by the milling. Further, the granules are whole wheat flour results in different types of flour. Thus, three kinds are present medium, fine and coarse granulation. However, finely granulated whole wheat flour is known as whole wheat pastry flour as it is specifically in baking

However, medium and coarse granulated whole wheat flour come under this category only. Apparently, granulation results in different textures, tastes, and characteristics. 

Coming to the texture part, the whole wheat flour has a  rougher texture than the whole wheat pastry flour. And, it also makes food nuttier or coarser. Since it has less starch content, therefore it doesn’t quickly absorb water. 

What is Whole Wheat Pastry Flour? 

Bakery products are much fluffier and softer in texture. So, a different type of flour is required to make such textured food. Whole wheat pastry flour is used for making cakes, and pastries. 

Every flour has its uses, nutritional value,  texture, and characteristics. Therefore, whole wheat pastry flour is different from whole wheat flour. 

Whole wheat pastry flour contains finely ground whole wheat flour with some bran and germ. Along with this composition, it has low fiber protein, vitamins, and nutrients than whole wheat flour. Due to the finer granulation, it loses some nutritional value. 

It differs only by the milling. Further, the granules are whole wheat pastry flour results in fine granulated flour. However, the whole wheat is granulated in fine, medium, or coarse granulation. 

However, fine granulated whole wheat flour a.k.a whole wheat pastry flour is finely granulated. And it has high carbohydrates, is lower in gluten, and protein. Thus, it is more dense and tender. 

Coming to the texture part, the whole wheat pastry flour has a  finer and softer texture than the whole wheat flour. And, it also makes food soft and fluffier.  Since it has high starch content, therefore it does absorb water quickly. 

Main Differences Between Whole Wheat Flour and Whole Wheat Pastry flour 

Coming across different types of flours and realizing several types of flours are available. One of the common flour is whole wheat flour and whole wheat pastry flour, however, they have different purposes. They seem very similar, yet they are very different from each other. As whole wheat pastry flour is made originally from whole wheat flour. Although, the texture, taste of food, and purpose vary a lot in both. 

  • Whole wheat flour has medium or coarse granulation, while whole wheat pastry flour has finer granulation. 
  • Whole wheat flour has less starch content. Meanwhile, Whole wheat pastry flour has more starch content.
  • Whole wheat flour has a rougher texture, while whole wheat pastry flour has a softer texture.
  • Whole wheat flour doesn’t absorb water quickly. Meanwhile, whole wheat pastry flour absorbs water quickly. 
  • Whole wheat flour is much more nutritious, while whole wheat pastry flour has less nutritional value.
  • Conclusion 

    Seeing several varieties of flours and recognizing that there are multiple types of flours accessible. Whole wheat flour and whole wheat pastry flour are two popular flours, however, they serve distinct functions. They appear to be extremely similar, yet they are distinct. Because whole wheat pastry flour is created from whole wheat flour, it is gluten-free. Although the texture, flavor, and function of the food differ significantly in both.

    Whole wheat flour is made up of the entire wheat berry, including the germ, bran, and endosperm. As a result, it is high in fiber and protein. As a result, it is far more nutrient-dense than all-purpose and white flour. Wheat, on the other hand, is milled into fine, medium, or coarse granulation. Whole wheat flour, on the other hand, is frequently granulated in a medium or coarse manner. It has a significantly rougher texture, which makes food taste nuttier or coarser. It also has a lower starch content and does not absorb water as quickly.

    Finely milled whole wheat flour with some bran and germ is used to make whole wheat pastry flour. As a result, it has a higher fiber and protein than whole wheat flour. As a result, it’s not as healthy as whole wheat flour. It has a considerably softer texture and makes dishes lighter in texture. It also has a high starch content and absorbs water fast.


  • https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/2/4/370
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0023643813002843
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