How to Write an Argumentative Essay

Let us first have a quick look at what is an Argumentative essay, before learning how to write an Argumentative Essay.

What is an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative Essay is one of the common types of essays and it is written in order to convince the readers to accept the writer’s perspective as truth. As the name “Argumentative” suggests, this type of an essay presents arguments. This can be basically introduced as a debate on paper. 

Tips for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay

Language: Do not use emotional or literary language. Always use direct and straightforward language. 

Tone: Maintain a fair and reasonable tone. 

Facts: Do not make up  any evidence. Always use true facts and statistics. Mention sources wherever possible. This shows that the evidence you are citing is true and that you have researched your topic well.

Logic: Remember that an argumentative essay should appeal to readers’ logic. So always use logical and intelligent arguments.

Sides: Always show your knowledge on both sides of the topic.

Errors: Once you have finished writing your essay, check your writing. Make sure there is no grammar or spelling mistakes. 

Check Your Writing

by danieltaysingapore

How to Start an Argumentative Essay

Step 1: Research

An argumentative essay is a combination of facts and figures and writer’s personal perspective. Therefore, you have to research the given topic extensively.

Step 2: Decide your side

An argumentative essay can be written in 2 perspectives; i.e. agree with the topic or disagree with the topic. For example, imagine that your essay topic is “Social media sites are harmful”, then you can either take the stand “Social media sites are harmful” or the view that they are not harmful. The research you did earlier will help you to decide your side.

Step 3: Organize your essay

An argumentative Essay can be basically divided into 4 steps.

  • Introduction
  • Developing Your Argument
  • Contesting Opposing Arguments
  • Conclusion
  • Introduction

    Your introduction should contain information about the background and importance of the topic. Then introduce your thesis statement. In thesis statement, present clearly your side of the topic and give reasons to justify your decision.


    This is where you develop your argument. Always use different paragraphs to illustrate each point. Blend in relevant statistics and evidence to prove your point. Make sure that there is a clear and a logical transition between each paragraph. Remember that each paragraph in the body of the essay shows a logical connection to the thesis statement in the introduction.

    As mentioned above, an argumentative essay writer must always show that he is well aware of the both positions of the essay. Proving that your position is true is not enough in an argumentative essay. You also have to prove why the opposing position is not true.

    Though there is no strict model for organizing argumentative essays, there are some common formats that help the writers to create a successful argumentative essay. Two such formats are given below.


    Model 1:

    Paragraph 1: Present your 1st point and supporting evidence.

    Paragraph 2: Present your 2nd point and supporting evidence.

    Paragraph 3: Refute your opposition’s first point.

    Paragraph 4: Refute your opposition’s second point.

    Model 2:

    Paragraph 1: Present your first point and supporting evidence, which also refutes one of your opposition’s claims.

    Paragraph 2: Present your second point and supporting evidence, which also refutes a second opposition claim.

    Paragraph 3: Present your third point and supporting evidence, which also refutes a third opposition claim.

    How to End an Argumentative Essay

    Reaffirm the importance of your issue. Provide a very brief summary of the essay. Do not introduce new points or arguments in the conclusion. In the final part of your conclusion, make your readers think about the consequences of your argument.
