Tammy Baldwin vs Tommy Thompson - Difference and Comparison

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Early Life and Career

Baldwin was born and grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. She earned a bachelor's degree from Smith College in 1984 and a law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1989. Baldwin served in the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1993 to 1999. Since 1999 she has been serving in her current role as Congresswoman.

Thompson was born in Elroy, Wisconsin. He is a former captain in the United States Army and holds a law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School. He was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1966; he became the Assembly's assistant minority leader in 1973 and minority leader in 1981. From 1987 to 2001, Thompson served as the 42nd Governor of Wisconsin, having been elected to an unprecedented four terms. He left office when he was appointed by President George W. Bush as Secretary of Health and Human Services, a position in which he served until 2005. He also ran for President in 2008 but lost the race for the Republican nomination to John McCain.

Differences in Economic Policy

Bailouts and Stimulus Spending

Baldwin voted in favor of the auto bailout for GM and Chrysler. She supported the $192B anti-recession stimulus spending; additional $825 billion for economic recovery package, and also $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, and energy.

Thompson supports building roads to create jobs. He also supported expansion of Amtrak and improve mass transportation. During his tenure as the Governor of Wisconsin (1999-2001), Thompson made 255 vetoes to cut $43 million in spending. He also vetoed to eliminate $43 million in tax hikes on business, including $31 million in recycling taxes on companies.

Mortgage Modification and Housing Policy

Baldwin voted against terminating the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). She also voted in favor of revitalizing severely distressed public housing in 2008 and regulating the subprime mortgage industry in 2007.

Tax Policy

Thompson has proposed sweeping changes to the federal tax code, calling the current tax system “dysfunctional” as the result of “political manipulation and special interest pandering.” He has proposed making the Bush tax cuts permanent, limit federal spending to 18.5% of GDP, and move toward a flat income tax. His proposal also includes exempting all households earning less than $100,000 from capital gains taxes, eliminating federal taxes on Social Security income and simplifying the federal corporate income tax to two brackets, 25% and 10%.[1][2]

Baldwin is in favor of a progressive tax code where individuals who have high incomes pay a higher tax rate. She has said "the [current tax] system is rigged" because millionaires like Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney could end up paying a lower percentage of their income in taxes than middle class Americans.[3] She has called income inequality the "defining issue of 2012" and has introduced a Buffett Rule bill in Congress.[4]

Baldwin has criticized Thompson's tax plan saying it would result in an average tax break of $87,000 for the top 1% high-income individuals. Politifact has rated this analysis "Mostly True".[5]

Healthcare Policy

Baldwin voted against Paul Ryan's budget plan that favors changes and cuts to the Medicare program. She voted against repealing the "Prevention and Public Health" slush fund. During the 110th Congress, Baldwin introduced several pieces of legislation related to healthcare that were passed by the House. The Reeve Paralysis Act authorizes more funding for the treatment of ailments that result in immobility, while the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Act increases funding for low-income women to receive preventative screenings. Another bill that she authored, the Veteran Vision Equity Act, guarantees benefits for military veterans. Baldwin voted in favor of expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program. She voted in favor of expansion of Medicare to cover additional preventive services. Bills she co-sponsored include limiting anti-trust lawsuits on health plans and insurers; establishing a national childhood cancer database; establishing a National Diabetes Coordinator; removing restrictions on estriol (menopause medication); and the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act. Baldwin supported funding women's health needs, supported funding Prenatal and Postpartum Care and also supported funding Family and Children's Coverage.

Thompson also has extensive healthcare experience owing to his tenure as secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), during which he recommended $200M for UN Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS. He proposed block grants to states for all of Medicaid. He proposed that each state annually be given the Medicaid dollars it had received during the prior year, adjusted for inflation and changes in the state's population of the poor. The state would be allowed to fashion its healthcare program for the poor as the state chose. Thompson stresses on transforming healthcare into wellness and prevention system. He supports eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in health. He vows to protect Medicare and add prescription drug benefits. He also supports small business insurance pool for uninsured. Thompson wants to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Ac (aka Obamacare). His healthcare proposal calls for linking federal reimbursement for health care costs with quality outcomes, more transparency in healthcare data, rewarding consumers for healthy behaviors such as smoking cessation and weight reductions, and enacting medical liability reform.

In a speech to the group Lake Country Area Defenders of Liberty, Thompson said he wanted to "do away with Medicaid and Medicare". Baldwin quoted him and criticized him for wanting to end Medicare. Thompson's campaign, however, said that by "doing away" he meant changing Medicare, not ending it. Politifact has rated Baldwin's criticism half-true.

Thompson in turn has criticized Baldwin for supporting universal healthcare, a public option and "Medicare for all", which PolitiFact has rated mostly true.

Social Issues

Gay Rights

Baldwin is a strong advocate of gay rights. If elected, she would become the first openly lesbian U.S. senator. She voted in support of prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. Baldwin voted against constitutionally defining marriage only as the union of a man and a woman; and against banning gay adoptions in District of Columbia.

In the 2007 GOP primary debate, at Reagan Library, hosted by MSNBC, Thompson replied affirmative to the question whether it was okay for private businesses to fire employees for being gay. He later retracted his statement and apologized.

Education Policy

Baldwin voted in favor of $40B for green public schools for the modernization, renovation, or repair of public schools, including early learning facilities and charter schools, to make them safe, healthy, high-performing, and technologically up-to-date. She voted for an additional $10.2B for federal education and HHS projects, and $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. Baldwin also supported funding for teacher training and other initiatives.

Thompson pushed for eradicating illiteracy in Wisconsin during his tenure as Governor by setting up reading academies to train teachers and developing web-based reading methods for elementary school teachers. He created the nation's first private school choice program in Milwaukee for low-income parents. Thompson instituted $5,100 vouchers for religious schools. Thompson also instituted a statewide Charter School system.

Collective Bargaining Rights

Thompson supports Gov. Scott Walker's controversial anti-collective bargaining law that led to a virtually unprecedented recall election in Wisconsin. Baldwin opposes the law.

Differences in Foreign Policy

Position on Iraq

Baldwin voted against authorizing the Iraq War in 2002. Thompson's stated position on Iraq is that the Iraqis should vote on U.S. presence in the country.

Environmental Policy

Baldwin voted in favor of $2 billion more for the Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) Program ("cash for clunkers"). She voted in favor of protecting free-roaming horses and burros; and environmental education grants for outdoor experiences. Baldwin voted against de-authorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species, and speeding up approval of forest thinning projects. Baldwin co-sponsored prohibiting commercial logging on Federal public lands; inter-state compact for Great Lakes water resources, strengthening prohibitions against animal fighting; and sponsored Crane Conservation Act.

Thompson funded $170M in “conservation easement” land purchases. He created the program in 1989 and used it to purchase the three largest land acquisitions in state history. Thompson signed the Midwestern Governors' Conference resolution to replace MTBE in gasoline with cleaner ethanol; and more EPA flexibility on interstate ozone.

Thompson has also proposed creating a new federal water agency, named National Institute for Fresh Water Science and Technology, to be located in Milwaukee. [6]


First Debate

The first debate between Tommy Thompson and Tammy Baldwin was held on September 28, 2012. The full below is presented below:

Second Debate

The second debate was held on October 18, 2012 and saw a spirited exchange in a format that allowed both candidates to interact with each other directly. Analysis and reporting for the debate can be found here and here and the full video of the debate is presented below.

Third Debate

The third debate was held on October 26, 2012. The full video can be found on YouTube here.

Baldwin vs Thompson in Opinion Polls

Thompson led Baldwin in early opinion polls in the state. However, Baldwin edged ahead in late August.

Poll sourceDate(s) administeredTammy BaldwinTommy Thompson
Rasmussen ReportsOctober 9, 201251%47%
CBS/NYT/QuinnipiacOctober 4-9, 201248%46%
Public Policy PollingOctober 4-6, 201249%46%
Marquette UniversitySeptember 27–30, 201248%44%
We Ask AmericaSeptember 20–23, 201252%40%
Public Policy PollingSeptember 18–19, 201249%45%
NBC/WSJ/Marist PollSeptember 16–18, 201248%46%
Marquette UniversitySeptember 13–16, 201250%41%
CBS/NYT/QuinnipiacSeptember 11–17, 201247%47%
Public Policy PollingSeptember 12–13, 201248%45%
CBS/NYT/QuinnipiacAugust 15–21, 201244%50%
Marquette UniversityAugust 16–19, 201241%50%
Public Policy PollingAugust 16–19, 201244%49%
Rasmussen ReportsAugust 15, 201243%54%
QuinnipiacJuly 31-August 6, 201247%47%
Marquette UniversityAugust 2–5, 201243%48%
Rasmussen ReportsJuly 25, 201248%41%
Marquette UniversityJuly 5–8, 201241%45%
Public Policy PollingJuly 5–8, 201245%45%
Marquette UniversityJune 13–16, 201241%49%
Rasmussen ReportsJun 14, 201236%52%
Public Policy PollingMay 11-13, 201242%47%
Rasmussen ReportsMay 9, 201238%50%
Public Policy PollingApril 13-15, 201245%47%
Rasmussen ReportsMarch 27, 201244%48%
Rasmussen ReportsFebruary 27, 201236%50%
Public Policy PollingFebruary 23-26, 201246%45%
Marquette UniversityFebruary 16-19, 201242%48%
Rasmussen ReportsOctober 26, 201142%49%
Public Policy PollingOctober 20-23, 201144%46%
Public Policy PollingAugust 12-14, 201142%50%
Public Policy PollingMay 19-22, 201144%45%

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