What is the Difference Between Cross Cutting and Overlapping

The main difference between cross cutting and overlapping social differences is that, in cross cutting, one social difference is weakened by another social difference whereas, in overlapping, one social difference is reinforced by another social difference.

Cross cutting and overlapping are two types of social differences. Social differences are situations where people face discrimination on the basis of factors like race, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, or religion. Here, one group of people get preference over another group on the basis of their social, economic, cultural or racial inequality. Social differences can lead to social division.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Cross Cutting 
     – Definition, Characteristics
2. What is Overlapping
     – Definition, Characteristics, Examples
3. What is the Difference Between Cross Cutting and Overlapping
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Cross Cutting, Overlapping, Social DifferencesDifference Between Cross Cutting and Overlapping - Comparison Summary

What is Cross Cutting

Cross cutting refers to one social difference nullifying or weakening another social difference. In other words, social differences cut one another. This is why we call it cross cutting. In such situations, a group may share a common interest on an issue even being on different sides on another issue. For example, both Northern Ireland & Netherlands mainly have Christians, but they are divided between Catholics and Protestants. Moreover, cross cutting is easier to accommodate, and there are no tensions between different groups since it is difficult to pit one group against another. Hence, cross cutting is easier to accommodate, promotes unity, and encourages diversity.

What are Overlapping

Overlapping refers to one social difference reinforcing other social differences. In other words, one social difference overlaps another. Overlapping is a combination of one or more social differences caused by one main difference. Situations like this produce social divisions when one type of social difference becomes more significant than the other and people start feeling that they belong to different communities. Racial or even linguistics differences can lead to economic differences. For instance, in the US, African Americans became a social division since they faced social inequality due to their racial differences; when compared to the general American population, African American community was in an economically weak position. Here, the racial difference actually causes this economic difference.

Another example is the Dalit community (lower castes) in India, who has been constantly ignored and discriminated by the upper castes. They are often landless and are very poor. Here, their caste causes this economic situation. This difference in caste is the main social difference that leads to other social differences.

Difference Between Cross Cutting and Overlapping

Unlike cross cutting, overlapping is not easy to accommodate and can create deep social divisions, tensions, and conflicts. Moreover, in this type of situation, different social groups or divisions in society do not share a common interest in any issue.

Difference Between Cross Cutting and Overlapping


Cross cutting refers to one social difference nullifying or weakening another social difference, while overlapping refers to one social difference reinforcing other social differences.

Social Differences

In cross cutting, one social difference is weakened by another social difference, while in overlapping, one social difference is reinforced by other differences.

Social Groups

Moreover, in cross cutting, social groups may share a common interest on an issue even being on different sides on another issue. However, in overlapping, social groups do not share any common interests in any issue. 

Effect on Society

While cross cutting promotes unity and encourages diversity, overlapping can create deep social divisions and can create conflicts.


Social differences are situations where people face discrimination on the basis of factors like race, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, or religion. Cross cutting and overlapping are two types of social differences. The main difference between cross cutting and overlapping social differences is that, in cross cutting, one social difference is weakened by another social difference whereas, in overlapping, one social difference is reinforced by another social difference.

Image Courtesy:

1. “4842046” By Thomas_Gerlach (CC0) via Pixabay
