What is the Difference Between Helichrysum Italicum and Gymnocephalum

The key difference between Helichrysum italicum and gymnocephalum is that Helichrysum italicum is a plant that produces essential oils rich in neryl acetate and alpha-pinene while  Helichrysum gymnocephalum is a plant that produces essential oils rich in 1,8 cineole.

Helichrysum italicum and Helichrysum gymnocephalum are two plant species that grow as short shrubs with a yellow color flower. Plant essential oils are very popular in the current world as it is used as a natural source of remedy or treatment against different disease conditions. In this regard, both Helichrysum italicum and Helichrysum gymnocephalum can be used as plants producing essential oils.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Helichrysum Italicum
3. What is Helichrysum Gymnocephalum
4. Similarities – Helichrysum Italicum and Gymnocephalum
5. Helichrysum Italicum vs Gymnocephalum in Tabular Form
6. Summary – Helichrysum Italicum vs Gymnocephalum

What is Helichrysum Italicum?

Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant that is also known as the curry plant. The name curry plant is derived from the fact that the leaves of the plant have a strong smell. H. italicum belongs to the daisy family, scientifically termed as the Asteraceae family, and grows best on rocky or sandy dry soil. The plants have a woody stem that grows about 60 cm or more. They produce yellow color flowers in summer. The unique feature of this flower is the fact that it is capable of retaining color; hence is often used in dried flower arrangements. Due to the strong smell, it is also used in perfumes. Plant propagation takes place via rooting of semi-hardwood cuttings in summer, followed by overwintering in frost-free conditions.

Helichrysum Italicum vs Gymnocephalum in Tabular Form

Figure 01: Yellow Color Flowers of Helichrysum italicum

H.italicum is used as a flavor enhancer in Mediterranean meat, fish, or vegetable dishes and is removed during serving. The oil of H. italicum is rich in componentneryl acetate, which has anti-aging and skin-nourishing properties. When diluted, it is also used as a good natural antiseptic due to the presence of alpha-pinene. Therefore, H. italicum can be used in wound healing and pain relief as well.

What is Helichrysum Gymnocephalum?

Helichrysum gymnocephalum is a flowering plant that belongs to the sunflower family of flowering plants. It is a short shrub with a height between 1 to 4 meters. The branches are covered with a white tomentum that is very fine-textured. Flowering usually commences in May.

The oil of H. gymnocephalum is rich in 1.8 cineole and is also called eucalyptol. Therefore, the oil of H. gymnocephalum is used in the treatment of bronchitis and related respiratory diseases. The oil of H. gymnocephalum also possess anti-inflammatory properties and, therefore, aid in pain relief.

What are the Similarities Between Helichrysum Italicum and Gymnocephalum?

  • Both are short shrub plants.
  • They belong to the Asteraceae family.
  • Moreover, both plants possess yellow color flowers.
  • Both plants produce commercially important essential oils.
  • Flowers of both plants retain color for a longer period after plucking.
  • Moreover, both are propagated using rootings.
  • Both essential oil products are available commercially and may be taken together.

What is the Difference Between Helichrysum Italicum and Gymnocephalum?

Helichrysum italicum produces essential oils rich in neryl acetate and pinene. Helichrysum gymnocephalum produces essential oil rich in 1,8 cineole. Thus, this is the key difference between Helichrysum italicum and gymnocephalum. Moreover, due to the difference in their chemical composition, the uses obtained from these plants may also vary. Essential oils produced by H. italicum are used in maintaining skin health, promoting anti-aging and antiseptic properties. On the other hand, essential oils produced by H. gymnocephalum are used in treating bronchitis and other respiratory diseases and in pain relief.

The following table summarizes the difference between Helichrysum italicum and gymnocephalum.

Summary – Helichrysum Italicum vs Gymnocephalum

Helichrysum italicum and Helichrysum gymnocephalum are short shrubs having a yellow color flower. Both these plants belong to the family of Asteraceae family. The key between Helichrysum italicum and gymnocephalum is the type of components in essential oils produced by each plant. Helichrysum italicum produces essential oils rich in neryl acetate or alpha-pinene, and Helichrysum gymnocephalum produces essential oils rich in 1,8 cineole.


1. Afoulous, Samia, et al. “Helichrysum Gymnocephalum Essential Oil: Chemical Composition and Cytotoxic, Antimalarial and Antioxidant Activities, Attribution of the Activity Origin by Correlations.” MDPI, Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 29 Sept. 2011.
2. Antunes ViegasD;Palmeira-de-OliveiraA;SalgueiroL;Martinez-de-OliveiraJ;Palmeira-de-Oliveira R; “Helichrysum Italicum: From Traditional Use to Scientific Data.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
