What is the difference between Nova Lox and Smoked Salmon?

Key Difference: The main difference between Nova Lox and Smoked Salmon is the way they are smoked.

Nova Lox is smoked at a low temperature for a long period of time, while Smoked Salmon is smoked at a high temperature for a shorter period of time.

This gives Nova Lox a stronger flavor and a slightly pink color, while Smoked Salmon has a milder flavor and a slightly orange color.

What is smoked salmon?

Smoked salmon is a type of fish that has been cured and smoked. It is often eaten on bagels or in salads.

Salmon is a healthy source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

It is also high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and potassium.

What is Nova Lox?

Nova Lox is a type of smoked salmon. It is made by smoking the fish at a low temperature for a long period of time.

This gives it a very strong flavor and a slightly pink color. Nova Lox is often eaten on bagels or in salads.

Nova Lox vs Smoked Salmon: What’s the difference?

One of the major differences between Nova Lox and Smoked Salmon is the way they are cured.

Nova Lox is cured with a salt and sugar mixture, whereas smoked salmon is only cured with salt.

This gives Nova Lox a sweeter flavor than smoked salmon.

Other important differences include –


The taste of Nova Lox is much sweeter than smoked salmon because of the sugar curing.

Smoked salmon has a more intense smoky flavor.


Nova Lox is usually smoother and less fatty than smoked salmon. This is because it is cured for a longer time at a lower temperature.

On the other hand, smoked salmon is cured for a shorter time at a higher temperature, which results in a firmer texture.


Nova Lox is pinker in color than smoked salmon because of the sugar curing.

Smoked salmon is a darker red color and has a more uniform appearance.

This is because it is smoked at a higher temperature.


Nova Lox is often eaten on bagels or in salads. Smoked salmon is more commonly used in dishes like sushi or smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches.

However, both types of salmon can be used in any type of cuisine.


Nova Lox is more expensive than smoked salmon because it is cured for a longer time and uses better quality fish.

But, smoked salmon is also more expensive than other types of seafood.


Nova Lox is more widely available than smoked salmon. It can be found in most grocery stores and fish markets.

Smoked salmon is a bit harder to find and is usually only sold in specialty stores or online.

Easy to make

Nova Lox is very easy to make at home. Smoked salmon is a bit more difficult to prepare and usually needs to be smoked in a smoker.

However, both types of salmon can be easily cooked in a variety of ways.


Is Nova lox the same as smoked salmon?

Smoked salmon and Nova lox are both types of smoked salmon. However, Nova lox is cured with salt before it is smoked, which gives it a slightly salty flavor.

Why do they call it Nova lox?

Nova lox is called Nova lox because it was originally made in Nova Scotia, Canada. The cold-smoking process used to cure the salmon originated in that region.

Is Nova lox raw?

No, Nova lox is not raw. It has been cured and then cold-smoked, which gives it a pink color and a slightly salty flavor.

Why is Nova lox so expensive?

The curing and smoking process for Nova lox is more time-consuming and expensive than the curing and smoking process for other types of smoked salmon. This means that Nova lox is often more expensive to purchase.

How do you eat smoked salmon?

There are many ways to enjoy smoked salmon. Some people like to eat it on a bagel with cream cheese, others like to put it in salads or use it as part of a charcuterie board.

Is smoked salmon cooked or raw?

Smoked salmon is cooked, but it is also cured with salt. This combination of cooking and curing gives the salmon a smoky flavor and a pink color.

How long do you smoke salmon?

1 to 2 hours is the ideal time to smoke a salmon at 250 degrees Fahrenheit temperature.

What is the best temperature to smoke salmon?

Any temperature around 180 degrees Fahrenheit is considered best to smoke salmon fish.

Can you smoke salmon at 225?

Yes, it takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours to smoke salmon at 225 F temperature.

Do you wrap salmon in foil when smoking?

Yes, you can wrap salmon in foil when smoking. This will help to keep the fish moist and give it a smoky flavor.

Why is my smoked salmon mushy?

Smoked salmon is often cured with salt before it is smoked. This can cause the salmon to become mushy over time. So, if your smoked salmon is mushy, it may be because it has been stored for too long.
