What is the Difference Between Serial and Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture

The main difference between serial and parallel processing in computer architecture is that serial processing performs a single task at a time while parallel processing performs multiple tasks at a time.

Computer architecture defines the functionality, organization, and implementation of a computer system. It explains how the computer system is designed and the technologies it is compatible with. The processor is one of the most essential components in the computer system. It executes instructions and completes the tasks assigned to it. There are two main types of processing as serial and parallel processing.

Key Areas Covered

 1. What is Serial Processing in Computer Architecture
    –Definition, Functionality
2. What is Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture
   –Definition, Functionality
3. What is the Difference Between Serial and Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture
   –Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, Serial processing

Difference Between Serial and Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture - Comparison Summary

What is Serial Processing in Computer Architecture

In serial processing, the processor completes one task at a time. After completing that, it executes the other tasks in a sequential manner. An operating system executes many programs and each of them has multiple tasks. The processor has to complete all these tasks, but it completes one task at a time. The other tasks wait in the queue until the processor completes the current task. In other words, all tasks are processed sequentially. Hence, this type of processing is called serial processing or sequential processing. Machines such as Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 perform serial processing.

Difference Between Serial and Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture

We can understand the functionality of serial processing using the following analogy. Assume a supermarket with multiple queues and only one cashier. The cashier finishes billing the products of one customer and then moves on to another customer. He performs billing one after the other.

What is Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture

There are multiple processors in parallel processing. Each processor executes the tasks assigned to them simultaneously. The processors use the bus to communicate with each other and to access the main memory.  Each processor operates on its local data. As the processors work independently, failure in one processor does not affect the functionality of another processor. Therefore, parallel processing increases the throughput as well as improves reliability. Most modern computers support parallel processing to increase performance.

We can understand the functionality of parallel processing using the following example. In a supermarket, there are multiple queues, and there is a cashier for each queue. Each cashier bills the products of the customers in his own queue.

Difference Between Serial and Parallel Processing in Computer Architecture


Serial processing is a type of processing in which one task is completed at a time and all the tasks are executed by the processor in a sequence. Parallel processing is a type of processing in which multiple tasks are completed at a time by different processors. Thus, this is the fundamental difference between Serial and Parallel Processing.

Number of processors

A major difference between serial and parallel processing is that there is a single processor in serial processing, but there are multiple processors in parallel processing.


Therefore, the performance of parallel processing is higher than in serial processing.

Work Load

In serial processing, the workload of the processor is higher. However, in parallel processing, the workload per processor is lower. Thus, this is an important difference between serial and parallel processing.

Data transferring

Moreover, in serial processing, data transfers are in bit by bit format. However, in parallel processing, data transfers are in byte form (8 bits).

Required time

Time taken is also a difference between serial and parallel processing. That is; serial processing requires more time than parallel processing to complete a task.


Furthermore, parallel processing is more costly than serial processing as it uses multiple processors.


There are two types of processing as serial and parallel processing in a computer system. The main difference between serial and parallel processing in computer architecture is that serial processing performs a single task at a time while the parallel processing performs multiple tasks at a time. In brief, the performance of parallel processing is higher than the serial processing.


1.“What Is a Serial Processor? – Definition from Techopedia.” Techopedia.com, Available here.
2.“What Is Computer Architecture? – Definition from Techopedia.” Techopedia.com, Available here.
3.“Computer Architecture.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 31 Jan. 2019, Available here.
4.“What Is Parallel Processing? – Definition from WhatIs.com.” SearchDataCenter, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Technology Processor Chip Computer Cpu Board” (CC0 Public Domain) via Max Pixel
