Write vs. Print: What’s the Difference?

  • Write (verb)

    To form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate.

    “The pupil wrote his name on the paper.”

    “Your son has been writing on the wall.”

  • Write (verb)

    To be the author of (a book, article, poem, etc.).

    “My uncle writes newspaper articles for The Herald.”

  • Write (verb)

    To send written information to.

    “(UK) Please write to me when you get there.”

    “(US) Please write me when you get there.”

  • Write (verb)

    To show (information, etc) in written form.

    “The due day of the homework is written in the syllabus.”

  • Write (verb)

    To be an author.

    “I write for a living.”

  • Write (verb)

    }} To record data mechanically or electronically.

    “The computer writes to the disk faster than it reads from it.”

  • Write (verb)

    To fill in, to complete using words.

    “I was very anxious to know my score after I wrote the test.”

  • Write (verb)

    To impress durably; to imprint; to engrave.

    “truth written on the heart”

  • Write (verb)

    To make known by writing; to record; to prove by one’s own written testimony; often used reflexively.

  • Print (adjective)

    Of, relating to, or writing for printed publications.

  • Print (verb)

    To produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine; often used with out or off: print out, print off.

    “Print the draft double-spaced so we can mark changes between the lines.”

  • Print (verb)

    To produce a microchip (an integrated circuit) in a process resembling the printing of an image.

    “The circuitry is printed onto the semiconductor surface.”

  • Print (verb)

    To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive.

    “Print your name here and sign below.”

    “I’m only in grade 2, so I only know how to print.”

  • Print (verb)

    To publish in a book, newspaper, etc.

    “How could they print an unfounded rumour like that?”

  • Print (verb)

    To stamp or impress (something) with coloured figures or patterns.

    “to print calico”

  • Print (verb)

    To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.

  • Print (verb)

    To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure.

  • Print (verb)

    To display a string on the terminal.

  • Print (noun)

    Books and other material created by printing presses, considered collectively or as a medium.

    “Three citations are required for each meaning, including one in print.”

    “TV and the internet haven’t killed print.”

  • Print (noun)

    Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive.

    “Write in print using block letters.”

  • Print (noun)

    The letters forming the text of a document.

    “The print is too small for me to read.”

  • Print (noun)

    A visible impression on a surface.

    “Using a crayon, the girl made a print of the leaf under the page.”

  • Print (noun)

    A fingerprint.

    “Did the police find any prints at the scene?”

  • Print (noun)

    A footprint.

  • Print (noun)

    A copies by printing.

  • Print (noun)

    A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative.

  • Print (noun)

    A copy of a film that can be projected.

  • Print (noun)

    Cloth that has had a pattern of dye printed onto it.

  • Write (verb)

    mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement

    “Alice wrote down the address”

    “he wrote his name on the paper”

    “he wrote very neatly in blue ink”

  • Write (verb)

    have the ability to mark coherent letters or words

    “he couldn’t read or write”

  • Write (verb)

    fill in or complete (a sheet, cheque, or similar)

    “he had to write a cheque for £800”

  • Write (verb)

    take (an exam or test)

    “I wrote Prof. Weldon’s Middle English exam last week”

  • Write (verb)

    write in a cursive hand, as opposed to printing individual letters.

  • Write (verb)

    compose, write, and send (a letter) to someone

    “I wrote him a short letter”

    “Eleanor wrote to her sister Laura in Paris”

    “I wrote a letter to Alison”

    “he wrote almost every day”

  • Write (verb)

    write and send a letter to

    “Mother wrote me and told me about poor Simon’s death”

  • Write (verb)

    write to an organization, newspaper, etc. with a question, suggestion, or opinion

    “write in with your query”

  • Write (verb)

    compose (a text or work) for written or printed reproduction or publication; put into literary form and set down in writing

    “she wrote a bestselling novel”

    “he wrote under a pseudonym”

    “I didn’t know you wrote poetry”

    “he had written about the beauty of Andalusia”

  • Write (verb)

    compose (a musical work)

    “he has written a song specifically for her”

  • Write (verb)

    add or remove a character to or from (a long-running story or series).

  • Write (verb)

    describe in writing

    “if I could write the beauty of your eyes”

  • Write (verb)

    enter (data) into a specified storage medium or location in store

    “files can be read and written directly into the file system”

  • Write (verb)

    underwrite (an insurance policy).

  • Print (verb)

    produce (books, newspapers, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper

    “a thousand copies of the book were printed”

  • Print (verb)

    produce (text or a picture) by a printing process

    “the words had been printed in dark type”

  • Print (verb)

    (of a newspaper or magazine) publish (a piece of writing) within its pages

    “the article was printed in the first edition”

  • Print (verb)

    (of a publisher or printer) arrange for (a book, manuscript, etc.) to be reproduced in large quantities

    “in 1923 he printed Yeats’ ‘Biographical Fragments’”

  • Print (verb)

    produce a paper copy of (information stored on a computer)

    “the results of a search can be printed out”

  • Print (verb)

    produce (a photographic print) from a negative

    “any make of film can be developed and printed”

  • Print (verb)

    write (text) clearly without joining the letters together

    “print your name and address on the back of the cheque”

  • Print (verb)

    mark (a surface, typically a fabric or garment) with a coloured design or pattern

    “a delicate fabric printed with roses”

  • Print (verb)

    transfer (a design or pattern) to a surface

    “patterns of birds and trees were printed on the cotton”

  • Print (verb)

    make (a mark or indentation) by pressing something on a surface or in a soft substance

    “a beetle scurried by, printing tracks in the sand with its busy feet”

  • Print (verb)

    mark (the surface of a soft substance)

    “we printed the butter with carved wooden butter moulds”

  • Print (verb)

    fix (something) firmly or indelibly in someone’s mind

    “his face was printed on her memory”

  • Print (noun)

    the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication, especially with reference to its size, form, or style

    “bold print”

    “she forced herself to concentrate on the tiny print”

  • Print (noun)

    the state of being available in published form

    “the news will never get into print”

  • Print (noun)

    a newspaper

    “the report’s contents were widely summarized in the public prints”

  • Print (noun)

    relating to the printing industry or the printed media

    “the print unions”

  • Print (noun)

    an indentation or mark made on a surface or soft substance

    “there were paw prints everywhere”

  • Print (noun)


    “the FBI matched the prints to those of the robbery suspect”

  • Print (noun)

    a picture or design printed from a block or plate or copied from a painting by photography

    “the walls were hung with sporting prints”

  • Print (noun)

    a photograph printed on paper from a negative or transparency

    “please send a black-and-white or colour print to the editor”

  • Print (noun)

    a copy of a motion picture on film, especially a particular version of it

    “he screened his own print of the film at festivals around the world”

  • Print (noun)

    a piece of fabric or clothing with a coloured pattern or design printed on it

    “light summer prints”

    “a floral print dress”

  • Print (noun)

    a pattern or design printed on a garment or fabric

    “the blouse is available in an assortment of colours and prints”

Oxford Dictionary
